Play promotes empathy, creativity, and conversations.
The Guarrine Group offers experiential workshops to get people to talk to each other, get to know each other's strengths, and build stronger connections. Tapping the positive impact of laughing together, tGG uses activities that bring real-life metaphors to light. Such experiences are powerful tools that can teach individuals and groups about themselves and their world.
At tGG, we see F.U.N. as a Fundamental Universal Need, and we believe that people have the most fun when their fundamental needs are met. In fact, F.U.N. is a hallmark of tGG. F.U.N. helps increase engagement, creativity, and enhances decision making while making learning less intimidating, more accessible, and memorable.
Helping families plan for success
Play can teach individuals and groups about themselves and their world. Harnessing the power of play, the Guarrine Group brings out lightheartedness in participants that allow them to see metaphors for real life application.
If play among members of a group of strangers can provide positive results in learning, how much more impact can it produce when done among family members?
Making connections count
Play is an innovative methodology that has versatile applications for a team's different learning goals. It can be used for facilitating insight for planning, team building, crafting a team vision, etc.
tGG's incorporation of fun paves the way to an atmosphere of positivity and bonding, helping the team become more productive.