Why Play?
Play promotes empathy, creativity, and conversations.
In the early 1990s, John Guarrine has already proposed that FUN is a Fundamental Universal Need. With the advances is neuroscience, we are finding more and more evidence supporting this statement.
The Guarrine Group offers experiential workshops to get people to talk to each other, get to know each other's strengths, and build stronger connections. Tapping the positive impact of play, tGG uses activities that bring real-life metaphors to light. Such experiences are powerful tools that can teach individuals and groups about themselves and their world.
At tGG, we believe that people have the most fun when their fundamental needs are met. F.U.N. helps increase engagement, creativity, and enhances decision making while making learning less intimidating, more accessible, and memorable.
About Us
The Guarrine Group (tGG), is a global training company based in Illinois. TGG has facilitated team building, leadership, and organizational development workshops around the world for over 30 years. TGG partners with excellent facilitators who help groups have FUN, which is a hallmark of tGG.