Conversation Starters
If you want to continue the conversation with your children,
here are some ideas to incorporate Money Management in your daily life.
4 to 6 year olds
In your next grocery run, before putting an item into the shopping cart, talk about whether it is a need or want.
Encourage your child to think how s/he can earn money this summer.
Talk to your child about how the family decides what is important (i.e, needs vs wants).
7 to 12 year olds
How do you decide how much of your money goes into the spend, save, share jars?
How can you earn to grow the money in your jars?
Talk to your children about what you do, how you got into your career, etc. Help them figure out what they would want to do when they grow up.
Help your child find opportunities to explore a career they're interested in. Think internships, volunteer opportunities, clubs, etc.
Start a family goal setting session. Talk about how the goals connect to your values. Include the collective needs and wants of the family unit. Plan when you will review the plan.